The North Unitarian Universalist Congregation Newsletter

October 2010

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From your Board and Committees!  








The church year has started and is humming along nicely…


I want to thank everyone who has agreed to help with religious education classes this year.  I am really excited about the program.  In talking to members, it is clear that our youth are a vital component of this congregation and its future.


We are having a congregational meeting on October 10, 2010 after service to discuss and vote on the proposed new mission statement and proposed changes to the by-laws.  I encourage everyone who is able to attend to do so.  If you have comments or concerns about either, there is no need to wait for the meeting.  Please do not hesitate to talk to me or any member of the board.

Have a great October and we will see you on the 10th.


Until next month,


Nina Webb-Lawton


Congregational Meeting Set for Oct. 10


Your Board of Trustees has called a Congregational Meeting for after service Oct. 10.  Under discussion will be proposed bylaw changes; a report on the status of our dues to the UUA and Ohio Meadville District; and our proposed new mission statement.  You can read the proposed bylaws changes by clicking here  —the rationale for these changes will be addressed at the meeting, although please talk to Rev. Ritchie or President Nina Webb Lawton if you have questions in advance of the meeting. 


Proposed bylaws changes fall into four categories: 1) substantive changes, including the addition of membership category for youth having completed the Coming of Age program, and the reduction in the number of total board members; 2)  The proposed relocation of job descriptions and policies and procedures from our bylaws into our policies and procedures;    3) Housekeeping issues, including clarification of prose, changes in numbering, etc…  4) Revision of some process issues, for example not requiring the Board to vote on each removal from membership.


The proposed new Mission Statement reads as follows:  We are an inclusive community of seekers pursuing deeper meaning through the process of spiritual engagement, learning, reasoning and action.




NUUC and Me

By Rev. Chris Jones-Leavy, NUUC Member


When I was 17, my friends in the Methodist Youth Fellowship voted me most likely to become a minister.  I was completely horrified.  My plan was to leave the church that did not welcome my outside-the-box thinking as soon as I graduated from high school, and, with the confidence of youth, I was sure that I’d be free of church forever!


And, for many years I was on my own private spiritual quest, completely church-free.  However, when our son was about 12, he began to ask questions about religion; Dick and I decided we’d better see what was out there to satisfy his questions.  We didn’t know if there was a place that would welcome our differing religious heritages – Jewish and Protestant - but we needed to investigate.  We attended a service of the Delaware Fellowship at which we sang the hymn, Spirit of Life.  I fell in love with that hymn instantly, and, hesitantly, I was intrigued to learn what kind of religion embraced such a hymn.


Later, as we investigated further and talked with John Morgan, then the district consultant, and with Susan, the consultant for the start-up Westerville congregation, I found more and more that appealed to me.  I read sermons and essays by William Ellery Channing and Ralph Waldo Emerson: without doctrine to confine thought, they seemed to endorse a personal spiritual quest.  In our conversations, John and Susan didn’t just tolerate questions, they actually encouraged them. Who knew a religion could be like that?


When the Westerville congregation disbanded, Dick and I became part of the former Dublin congregation, now NUUC.  Here, I’ve found a community (a key component of religion, for me) that welcomes the diversity of belief that makes an engaging, vital home for spiritual search.  NUUC is not about having The Truth, thankfully, but rather about vision, search, growth, social justice, kindness and compassion.


Throughout my theological education and my ordination process, this community supported me spiritually and emotionally, encouraged me and cheered me on.  And now, thanks in part to all that support, all these many years later, the prophecy for my 17-year old self has come true: I am a minister.  And I couldn’t be happier!  Who’d a thought it?


NUUC is my spiritual home base, and I’m grateful for that.









Annual Stewardship Drive Begins


MC900021586[1]It is time for our annual pledge drive.  During the month of October you will be hearing from fellow NUUC members on what this congregation means to them.  (And, see congregant Rev. Chris Jones-Leavy’s written testimony elsewhere in this newsletter about finding her spiritual home here at NUUC…)

As you may know, our church is funded solely by the membership of its congregation—by you.   However, unlike some religious communities, you will not be pressured to give at a specific level.  To help answer the question of how to arrive at your individual pledge amount, you may find it helpful to reference the 2011 “Fair Share Guide to Giving.”  The guide is a helpful tool which allows you to use your desired level of support and income to determine a recommended giving amount. 

You may view the Fair Share Guide to Giving and other Stewardship materials by visiting the website by clicking here.  Paper copies of these documents will also be available from the Stewardship Team.

We’re excited to offer for the first time this year a new online pledge form.  This is an easy to use, fillable, entirely online form which can be e-mailed to the church and is an alternative to our more traditional face-to-face meetings either at a stewardship party or with a Visiting Steward.  Click here for the online financial commitment form.  Of course, we will still offer the traditional visits and the paper pledge form, which you can fill out then or at your convenience and turn in later to your Visiting Steward or by mail. 

As you consider your financial pledge for next year, please think about what this congregation means to you and your family.  Many of us are facing economic challenges, and the Finance Committee is working hard to ensure NUUC is a good steward of your pledges.  We hope you are able to support NUUC with a generous pledge so that we may continue our journey to remain a place where we as members can live our collective Unitarian Universalist values.

For questions about this year’s Stewardship process, contact Stewardship Chair Laura Howe at 614-436-0078 or .


Thanks for your Faithful Giving…


Fall is upon us, and it’s back-to-school time.  During this busy time, your faithful and consistent giving is so appreciated and necessary to staying on budget.


Remember:  you can always mail in an offering or pledge check, even if your schedule keeps you away from services.  Just mail it to:  NUUC, Attn: JGD, P. O. Box 541, Lewis Center, OH 43035.


Pledging statements for the period through September 30 will be mailed out the middle of October. If you have any questions about the status of your 2010 giving or other pledging matters, feel free to call the church office at 740-657-8081 and talk to Rev. Ritchie ( or Jeri Dill (




September 18 Meeting of the Board of Trustees


You may view a summary of the September 18, 2010 Board of Trustees meeting by clicking here or by requesting the file from the office (740-657-8081, ext. 1).








Treasurer’s Report for August 2010


Outlined below is a summary of the financial report presented to members of your

Finance Committee and Board of Trustees for the month of August, 2010:


Actual $ Received

and Paid

Budget (Planned Receipts and Payments)

             August, 2010






2010 Pledge Offerings



Non-Pledge Offerings



Rental Revenue



Ways and Means-Fundraising






Total Income






Total Expenses












2009 Pledge Offerings



2010 Pledge Offerings



Non-Pledge Offerings



Rental Revenue



Ways and Means-Fundraising






Total Income






Total Expenses






Respectfully submitted,


Koralleen Stavish






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