Looking Before You Leap

How avoiding the tendency to jump to conclusions can enrich our lives and allow us to live up to our spiritual and ethical commitments.  Our guest preacher today is Roger Johnson. Roger grew up in the Methodist denomination. He taught a junior high Sunday school class and led an Explorer Scout Post at Parkside Methodist church on the Columbus westside, while attending The Ohio State University. Subsequently, he led adult Sunday School classes at Methodist churches in Bryan-College Station, Texas, Ramstein ,Germany; Rantoul, Illinois; and San Antonio, Texas. There in San Antonio, he gravitated to the First UU Congregation where he led classes on Exploring Ones Faith and proctored the Sunday afternoon Dungeons and Dragons club. In his 79 years, Roger has been a Geologist, Meteorologist, a secondary and post secondary math and science instructor, a Behavior Scientist, and a college administrator, many of which occupations he performed while serving in the United States Air Force, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. As many of you know, Roger has been working – interminably- on a young adult science fiction novel and has had several chapters now published in the Ohio State -Marion student publication, The Cornfield Review. Roger has also parented six foster children over the years, in addition to his own son and daughter.

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Topic: NUUC Sunday Morning Worship
Time: 10:30 AM Sundays

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