New Year, Old Principles

As UUs, we have no creed, unlike many other faith traditions.  We do however, “Covenant to Affirm and Promote” a statement of core values, our Principles, which you can find on Page X of the gray hymnal. Our statement of principles, in one form or another, has been part of our faith tradition since 1887.  But our affirmation and promotion of these old principles may prove increasingly difficult in the new year ahead. We face serious issues that may challenge or even attack our commitment to truth, the democratic process, justice, equity, the worth and dignity of every person and respect for the interdependent web.  How can we authentically live into our principles in this new year in the face of rising challenges?

Rev. Joan Van Becelaere, who is preaching today, is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister and a NUUC affiliated community minister.  She has served as the Executive Director of UU Justice Ohio and as a Congregational Life Consultant for the Ohio-Meadville District and the Staff Lead for CERG – the Central East Regional Group.  Before holding this position, she was the vice-president for student services at the Iliff School of Theology, Denver CO, where she taught UU polity.  She lives in Columbus OH with her spouse, Jerry, and four felines all named after Hebrew Bible prophets and kings.

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