These days, with election stress, political and social divisiveness, and anxiety everywhere, are you losing a sense of how to care for yourself and/or others in this environment? North Unitarian Universalist Congregation is proud to announce a special two-hour workshop designed exclusively for us, “Trauma-Informed Care: Inside and Out,” a conversation on self-care and community wellbeing, with Dr. Laura McGuire on November 10, 2024, on Zoom from 3-5pm. Dr. Laura McGuire (they/them or she/her) is an internationally recognized consultant, survivor, counselor, researcher, and certified member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). They are currently earning their Master of Divinity degree at Earlham Seminary, where they are studying the intersections of trauma-informed care and restorative justice in faith settings. They have created the world’s first certifications in trauma-informed care for industries spanning from law to insurance. Register in order to receive the zoom link for this workshop by emailing or using the link at: