Putting Down Roots at NUUC
Whether you’re considering visiting NUUC for the first time or you’re a longtime member looking for ways to deepen your connection, here’s a path that might help you navigate your involvement.
If you have questions or want to know more, contact our minister Rev. Susan Ritchie or Administrative Assistant Teri Cornell.
- Visit the congregation Read more about visiting here
- Request a name tag
- Sign up for the newsletter (Click here)
- Attend newcomer orientation (offered periodically)
- Join the congregation
- Make a financial pledge or contribution. You can fill out a pledge form online by clicking here, You can set up an automatically recurring donation or make a one time gift by clicking here. You can learn more about pledging here.
During Sunday Service
- Attend Sunday services
- Host coffee hour (learn more and sign up by clicking here)
- Join the choir (more information here)
- Present a music or dance offering
- Serve as a greeter (learn more and sign up by clicking here)
- Collect the offering
- Volunteer in children’s religious exploration classes
- Offer a “layview”–a brief reflection on your spiritual journey shared in worship
Additional Opportunities for Involvement
- Attend or facilitate adult faith development or small group fellowship programs
- Volunteer to mow the lawn or maintain the gardens
- Offer an item for the service auction (usually scheduled in the spring)
- Participate in a social justice event or action
- Make a pledge to the Capital Campaign.
To get involved, contact our Minister, our Director of Religious Exploration, or our Music Director.
NUUC has multiple opportunities for involvement in a team. Unless otherwise noted, contact our minister Rev. Susan Ritchie or Administrative Assistant Teri Cornell to learn more.
- Caring Team: The NUUC Caring Team embraces those in our congregation who are going through a difficult time, or maybe they just need encouragement or support through a phone call, card, or possibly a visit. The Caring Team can also organize a meal train, if needed. The Caring Team tries to reach out to those they hear about through Joys and Sorrows during Sunday service, or by a phone call or email to our address at caring@nuuc.org.
- Buildings and Grounds Team: The NUUC Building and Grounds Team oversees the maintenance and upkeep of our congregation’s physical facilities and outdoor spaces. Its tasks include mowing and landscaping, building repairs, and preparing the church for events. Members should ideally possess practical skills in maintenance and repairs, landscaping and gardening expertise, and a commitment to the church’s mission. This committee ensures the church remains a safe, welcoming, and functional space for congregants and the community, while also considering long-term planning for facility needs.
- Building Expansion Team: The Church Building Expansion Team oversees and plans for the expansion and renovation of our congregation’s facility. This committee typically consists of members who possess expertise in areas such as architecture, construction, and project management. The team’s primary responsibility is to assess the church’s current space needs, develop expansion plans, secure necessary funding, and coordinate with architects and contractors to ensure the successful realization of the project. The committee plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing the church’s capacity to serve its growing community while preserving its spiritual and historical significance.
- Picnic Team: NUUC holds about four potluck picnics each year. These provide time and space for the sharing of good food, company and music. Dates and times are listed in the newsletter. Anyone can participate by helping to provide food, music or picnic supplies.
- Social Justice Team: The theologian Dr. Cornell West said: “Justice is what love looks like in public.” The Social Justice Team at NUUC invites members of the congregation to organize and collaborate with other religious and secular nonprofit justice-focused organizations in Ohio and beyond to live out our call to put holy Love into public action. We have participated in actions to support LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights and worked to combat climate change and strengthen our democracy in Ohio and the U.S. And we are prepared to promote and support new concerns as Love demands. Anyone can participate by signing up to be on the Social Justice Team email list to get regular updates and calls to action by contacting Rev. Joan VanBecelaere (retired), uujoanvanb@gmail.com.
- Fundraising Team: The NUUC Fundraising Team puts the “fun” in fundraising. It is in charge of organizing and running the annual Service Auction with a goal of raising $10,000, as well as two smaller fundraisers each year, such as a Chili Cookoff, with a goal of raising $2,000 each. These funds are part of NUUC’s annual budget.
Most of the leadership positions at NUUC are elected by the congregation or appointed by the Board of Trustees. Anyone interested in learning more about becoming involved at this level should contact our minister.
- Board of Trustees (three-year terms, elected in March)
- Leadership Development Committee (three-year terms, elected in March) Click here to download the LDC job description
- Treasurer and Finance Committee
- Commissioned Lay Ministry
- Attend the annual General Assembly
- Attend Central East Region Summer Institute
- Enroll in UU courses at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio