You Are Not a Lizard!

From the mistaken idea that humans have a remanent “lizard” brain to the rhetoric of the “culture wars,” our contemporary political and social discourse is increasingly supportive of emotional reactivity, encouraging us to react immediately and disproportionately to predictable triggers that seem to carry with … read more.

Recent News

  • Submit your question! June 24, 2024
    The “Question Box Sermon” has become an annual tradition at NUUC. Rev. Susan takes one Sunday in the summer to respond to the questions you ask—and forms a worship service around the answers. If she cannot get to all of the question that Sunday, she uses them to create worship services later in the year. So here’s your chance to submit any question you would like! The Question Box Sermon will take place Sunday July 7, 2024. Submit your question by Wednesday, July 3.  You can send your question directly to minister or submit anonymously to:


After many years of complacency with traditional religion I began a search for a congregation that would advance my spiritual journey in a supportive environment. At North Unitarian Universalist Congregation I have found a place where different religious backgrounds, life experiences and talents come together. I now feel I am where I should be, my only regret is I didn’t start that search sooner. ~ Jeff Turner