Spiritual Shambles

With the help of a fictional magical system, a stick, and a lot of string, Noa explores the wonderful diversity of spiritual lives and practices within Unitarian Universalism and the curious journey of constructing individual and communal rituals. Noa Weatherwax (formerly Tobin) is a third-year student at Methodist Theological School in Ohio. They are working toward full ordination and fellowship in the UUA, and her main ministry goal is to make religious leadership more inclusive for spiritual leaders with disabilities and chronic illnesses. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her wife Astrid and their three cats.

Join us at 10:30 AM at our newly renovated and expanded church home at 1574 Franklin Street, Lewis Center, Ohio, or, attend online using this link: Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 826 9459 0385Passcode: 962432