The Positive Aspects of Negative Thinking

We live in society that glorifies positivity. We’ve all been told at one time or another to “stop being negative” or to “focus on good things you have”. But at what cost? What are we losing by only focusing on the positive? What can we gain by indulging our inner critic? Please join us for an exploration of what can learn by approaching negativity in a, well, less negative way! Today’s preacher, John Daquila, is a loud, but friendly, amateur theologian-at-large and a member of NUUC. A husband and father who is prone to both pondering and rambling. He is also a firm believer that Love is where it’s at.

Join us at 10:30AM at our newly renovated and expanded church home at 1574 Franklin Street, Lewis Center, Ohio, or, attend online using this link: Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 826 9459 0385 Passcode: 962432