It is becoming increasingly clear that The Perennial Philosophy, a one-time popular belief of many Universalists that all the world’s religions are the same at their core, is just not true. Some feel this philosophy is not helpful in understanding the complexities of our world. Stephen Prothero, in his book God Is Not One: The eight rival religions that run the world, lays out some of the differences between the major religions and why we need to know about these differences. “To reckon with the world as it is, we need religious literacy.” Today’s worship leader is the Reverend Alison Wohler. She is Minister Emerita of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst, MA, where she served for 11 years. After retiring in 2016 she moved to Columbus to be near family – and the family cottage at Chautauqua, NY. Alison is a Board member and Treasurer of the UU Fellowship of Chautauqua. She grew up in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, went to Allegheny College for her B.S. in Biology. Twenty-some years later, following earlier careers in science and as an art gallery owner, she entered Andover Newton Theological School to become a UU minister. Many of her sermons have a scientific bent. Currently Alison’s father and her partner all live in Columbus. She enjoys “preaching around” and meeting other congregations.
Join us at 10:30AM at our newly renovated and expanded church home at 1574 Franklin Street, Lewis Center, Ohio, or, attend online using this link: Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 826 9459 0385 Passcode: 962432