What Will You Do with Your Eternal Return?

The concept of the ‘Eternal Return’ is a thought experiment, most famously utilized by Friedrich Nietzsche, where you imagine that everything in the entire universe will repeat and unfold in the same manner over and over again. What can this thought experiment show us about ourselves, our world and the ways we think about both? John Daquila preaches today. John is a loud, but friendly attendee of the North Unitarian Universalist Congregation. A husband and father who is prone to both pondering and rambling. He is also a firm believer that Love is where it’s at.

Join us at 10:30 AM at our newly renovated and expanded church home at 1574 Franklin Street, Lewis Center, Ohio, or, attend online using this link: Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82694590385?pwd=TlRCUitCa0VSdnNyY2tvemM5N29KUT09

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