Adult RE Class: Growing the Circle Wider – Facing the Stigma of Mental Illness
Join Student Minister, Holly Brown for a three-evening course on how we can be more intentionally welcoming and inclusive to individuals with mental illnesses. Mental illness deeply affects many individuals and families both within and outside of our own congregation. The goal of the class is to create greater understanding of current terminology, the stigma that individuals with mental illness face, and how our religious tradition calls us to engage. Unitarian Universalism has a long history of showing spiritual concern for individuals dealing with mental illness; we can continue that legacy in our own community. The sessions are scheduled for three consecutive Wednesday evenings, April 25, May 2, and May 9, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Please sign-up on the sheet posted in Fellowship Hall or online (click here). Deadline for sign-up April 22nd.