Why put down spiritual roots if you are open to the wisdom of other traditions? Is it possible to claim any one faith tradition, and remain fully open to the truth beyond? What does it look like to put down roots and lean into expansiveness and mystery? In this sermon, we’ll consider these questions and look to the plus sign as one tool to help bridge the gap between knowing and unknowing about faith and identity. Guest preacher: Katie Kuntz-Wineland
Katie Kuntz-Wineland (she/her/hers) is a queer, seminary-educated independent minister. She recently founded @thebelongingtable, a virtual christian+ community of practice for folks who are queer and/or deconstructing their faith. She also serves in nonprofit ministry at Bittersweet Farms, a nonprofit organization serving adults with autism. Katie’s ministry has its roots in the Methodist tradition, with formative influences in the Mennonite, Unitarian Universalist, and Anglican traditions. She and her wife, Beth, call Toledo, Ohio home and are avid seekers of ecological, racial, and economic justice in their diverse South Toledo neighborhood. Many of you will recognize Katie, who served as our congregation’s Student Minister during the 2015-2016 church year.
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