It Matters: The Life and Teachings of Sophia Lyon Fahs

Ministerial Intern, Jacquie Zarley and Morgan Patten, Commissioned Lay Minister, co-lead our worship today. Jacquie will preach on Sophia Lyon Fahs (1876-1978),  an extraordinary religious educator whose teachings sought to stimulate and capture the sense of wonder and creativity in our everyday lives. Fahs believed that every encounter with life was a possibility for deeper learning about who we are, what matters, and how we connect with that which is sacred. Her philosophy, theology and brilliant children’s curriculum revolutionized the way we teach our children and are still evident in our modern curriculum. The Fahs Collaborative Laboratory for Innovation in Faith Formation at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago continues to bring Fahs’ ideas to life with creative and exciting multigenerational and multicultural curriculum. How can we utilize Fahs’ ideas in our own congregation? Let’s find out together.  Also, you won’t want to miss story time with interpretive dance by David Jon Krohn.

Join us at 10:30 AM Sunday in person (masked and vaccinated unless you have a medical exemption) or online (link below).

Susan Ritchie (she, her, hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NUUC Sunday Morning Worship
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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