Rev. Susan Ritchie hosts this worship with Intern Minister Liora Malicdem offering the message.
Chicano poet Francisco X. Alarcón concludes his poem “Face and Heart” with a call to “arrive as children to this huge playground – the universe.” This playful, expansive conclusion resides uneasily with the opening call to “hear what nobody wants to hear” and to “see what everyone wants to hide.” In this time of ongoing challenge, how can we be receptive to what we don’t want to hear or see, especially that which we find difficult to hear and see in ourselves. In this week’s message, intern minister Liora Malicdem draws on her experience as a parent and a professor of Holocaust studies to consider how we can be attentive, empathetic witnesses who see and hear our own challenging experiences, and in so doing open up more possibility to connect to the sacred in our lives.
Time: 10:30 Am Sundays
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