adrienne maree brown, activist and student of complexity and change tells us we are living in other people’s imaginations. Currently, we find ourselves in a battle of imaginations. Science fiction can be subversively creative, can we live into author Octavia Butler’s admonition to “make revolution irresistible”?
Our guest preacher today is Marti Thompson. Thompson is an MDiv student at the UU House of Studies at the Methodist School of Theology. Previously she was an EEO Investigator for the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission, and Director of Investigations at the Fair Housing Center in Omaha. She is an avid knitter and a fan of speculative fiction. She and her husband Mike Denino currently live in Lima, Ohio, where she is Intern Minister at the UU Fellowship of Lima.
Congregational Meeting with updates on our building expansion construction schedule immediately after worship.
Attend in person or online (link below).
Current Covid Policy: Vaccines are strongly recommended. Masks are not required, but please consider that masks are our best roll for preventing respiratory disease spread. Both KN95 masks and regular surgical masks will be provided at the door. The three pews in the Northeast corner of the sanctuary will be reserved for masked persons only, with the pew in front of those left empty. If you are ill, or have been exposed to illness but are not feeling ill, please join the service online.
Susan Ritchie (she, her, hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: 10:30 AM Sundays
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