The Truth about Witch Hunts

Are there really clandestine groups in America plotting to subvert democracy and actively persecuting people with unorthodox beliefs?  Rev. Ritchie examines the role that religion has had in the development of this very strange, paranoid and toxic component of our national DNA.  After the service:  Our 2nd Annual Flower Bar Event after the service. Molly and Brent Watson, who own Watson’s Acres Flower Farm are finishing their 2023 season and will be bringing buckets of their cut flowers to share with our congregation. Last year was a huge success! Come select the flowers you like and make a bouquet – or several to take to share with someone who needs extra cheer. ALL donations go to NUUC Building Fund! There will be lots to choose from – especially some gorgeous dahlias!

Join us at 10:30 AM for worship, coffee and fellowship time to follow worship. 

Attend in worship in person at the Barn at Stratford, or online (link provided below). We are worshiping at   the Barn at Stratford while our building is under construction. The Barn at Stratford is operated by the Delaware County Historical Society. It is located just nine minutes from our church building, just South of Delaware in the community of Stratford. It is immediately north from the junction of routes 315 and 23.   The address of the barn is 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware, OH 43015.  While we will miss our beautiful building, the Barn provides a comfortable, historic temporary space that supports all of our regular Sunday morning activities. Please join us! Worship begins at 10:30 AM.

To attend online:

Susan Ritchie (she, her, hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: 10:30 AM Sunday

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9459 0385

Passcode: 962432

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