Speaker: Rev. Susan Ritchie

The Beauty We Know

The Beauty We Know. The younger children are with us for the first part of worship, and the sixth graders and up for the whole service, as we introduce this month’s theme in worship and religious education, “The Arts.”

Student Minister Holly Brown

Student Minister Holly Brown leads the service today. “Radical Reverence” – Where do we find the divine? Do humans share in likeness to God or does God share the image of humanity?


(Irr)Reverence. On the gentle and necessary tugs and pulls between reverence and irreverence, in our faith, and our lives.


Easter. Our Annual Intergenerational service, complete with flower celebration (if you can, bring one cut flower to represent each member of your party).


”The younger children are with us for the first part of worship, and the sixth graders and up for the whole service, as we introduce this month’s theme in worship and religious education, “Joy.”  Then former NUUC member and psychologist Dr. Dwayne Smith offers the … read more.